Blue Star

Blue Star

星期日, 29 08月 2021 06:07

SANAG A7S骨传导蓝牙耳机

每一款产品都有其各自的特点,这款SANAG A7S骨传导蓝牙耳机在结实程度、续航能力、以及防水防尘方面都有不错的表现。
58亿元将公司业绩主要贡献者卖掉,自称是为了培植新市场。而从加油站到医药、保健品,再到医美,振东制药(6.98 -1.55%,诊股)主业频繁转换,其未来战略让人难以捉摸。
星期四, 26 08月 2021 22:18


Taotronics TT-SK03吸盘式蓝牙音箱。这款蓝牙音箱不仅拥有独特的防水设计,还带来了魔力吸盘的设计,能让你体验到沐浴享受音乐的乐趣。
星期四, 26 08月 2021 22:15


星期二, 24 08月 2021 01:29

Working and Usage of a Bluetooth Gateway

Bluetooth gateway is an electronic device that connects a Bluetooth product to other hardware. For instance, an audio or stereo BL gateway connects a Bluetooth-enabled device to an external speaker. In this article, our focus will be on a cellular BL gateway. Cellular BL gateways converge cellphone accounts with home landlines.

星期二, 24 08月 2021 01:27

BLE Gateway: Difference between BLE and BL

Today, we have an assortment of wireless protocols so that it might become a little confusing to check them all. On one hand, it is helping developers of wireless technology to address specific issues in design. On the other hand, it also makes identifying the right protocol a bit different task. It becomes particularly true when we have to choose between BLE (Bluetooth low-energy) and Bluetooth Classic. A person who is not a tech expert may assume BLE and Bluetooth as the same devices. However, it is crucial to know the differences, advantages, and disadvantages of all options to choose a perfect Classic or BLE gateway.

星期二, 24 08月 2021 01:24

