This application note explains the fundamentals of swept-tuned, superheterodyne spectrum analyzers and discusses the latest advances in spectrum analyzer capabilities.
Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) is built on top of the Attribute Protocol (ATT) and establishes common operations and a framework for the data transported and stored by the Attribute Protocol. For more information on GATT, please refer to Volume 0, Section 6 of the Bluetooth® Core Specification.
Double the speed,Four times the range,Eight times the broadcasting capacity
High speed mode
- 2x data throughput
- Faster over-the-air downloads
- Reduce battery consumption
Long range mode
- 4x the range with coded PHY rates of 125 kbps
- Same TX and RX current consumption
- Whole-house coverage
Advertising extension
- Reduce load on advertising channels
- Initiate long-range connections